Bill & Sandy Fifield Artist - Authors - Speakers



Casa Early Morning

It’s still dark as we walk to Kelsie’s house for our 6:00 am breakfast and we wonder if the first stage of her security system (the garden gate) will be unlocked.  We walk down the driveway and lean against it and as if by magic it swings open for us to proceed to the door of her kitchen.   We continue to prepare for the full day ahead; it all seems so strange and new.  We are dressed in white clothes, even our underwear is pure white to keep with the spirit of the experience; we even have our white hats with us.  We are entirely ready.

We arrive at the Assembly Hall at 6:45 am and start to wait.  Our efforts are rewarded with seats on the benches nearest to the front and right of the small stage.   This deal is supposed to start at 8:00 am but we have to take into consideration the fact that this is Brazil and Brazilian time is in effect which means that it will start when it starts; there is no rush.   This is an open-air hall with a skylight that lets in air and sunlight; to start with it is quite cool with a breeze; soon enough it will warm up sufficiently to turn on the several fans. There is a line of people carrying pillows and back supports who will go into the Current rooms to meditate during the morning session.  The Hall fills, all the chairs and benches are full, there are people sitting on the edge of the small stage, the empty spaces fill, there are some sitting on the floor, and there are several folks in wheelchairs in the space to the right of the stage.    They will invited in first.   Read More

“The Gift of Sponsorship”

“Love is seeing yourself in another without fear”

When my sponsor and I started into the 12 Steps, she gave me a carefully defined set of assignments.  I became extremely grateful for the set of guidelines she provided for me.  I needed definite directions because I was undisciplined and scattered.  My thought processes were vague and mushy.  Part of this problem was because I was withdrawing from an addiction I had indulged in for years and part came from the fact that I hadn’t focused on learning anything new for quite a while.  Not everyone needs this and there are many ways to sponsor a newcomer or even someone who has been around for a while, but I sure did.

When I asked her to be my sponsor, I requested that she teach me a way to pass this on to others.  I had become convinced that if I didn’t learn to pass this on, I would not be allowed to continue to come to the meetings.  Thank God, this is not true, but it was enough to force me into asking for help.   I then asked what I could do to pay her back for this and she told me that the only way I would be able to repay her was to make the effort to pass this on to at least one other person.  I agreed because I really needed her help to change my life and I had come to believe that the 12 Steps might just work for me.     Even though I had asked and had been told, I still did not realize the commitment she was making to me or the commitment I was making and how it would change my attitude and outlook on life.

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