Bill & Sandy Fifield Artist - Authors - Speakers



Casa Early Morning

It’s still dark as we walk to Kelsie’s house for our 6:00 am breakfast and we wonder if the first stage of her security system (the garden gate) will be unlocked.  We walk down the driveway and lean against it and as if by magic it swings open for us to proceed to the door of her kitchen.   We continue to prepare for the full day ahead; it all seems so strange and new.  We are dressed in white clothes, even our underwear is pure white to keep with the spirit of the experience; we even have our white hats with us.  We are entirely ready.

We arrive at the Assembly Hall at 6:45 am and start to wait.  Our efforts are rewarded with seats on the benches nearest to the front and right of the small stage.   This deal is supposed to start at 8:00 am but we have to take into consideration the fact that this is Brazil and Brazilian time is in effect which means that it will start when it starts; there is no rush.   This is an open-air hall with a skylight that lets in air and sunlight; to start with it is quite cool with a breeze; soon enough it will warm up sufficiently to turn on the several fans. There is a line of people carrying pillows and back supports who will go into the Current rooms to meditate during the morning session.  The Hall fills, all the chairs and benches are full, there are people sitting on the edge of the small stage, the empty spaces fill, there are some sitting on the floor, and there are several folks in wheelchairs in the space to the right of the stage.    They will invited in first.   Read More

Don’t Miss the Miracle!

 At first I missed the miracle because it wasn’t what I wanted. All the cancer was supposed to be gone. When this wasn’t the case I was disappointed and frustrated. It took a minute to actually sink in. “What did you say? What were the results?” The cancer was stopped in its tracks. There was no new growth and what there was had receded by ¼ to ½ . The doctor couldn’t believe it. For the first time since we met she brightened up. She smiled and almost hugged me. She seemed shocked by the outcome of the PET scan. Her experience is that the usual outcome for cancer like mine is 180° from what we were now seeing. A medical miracle!

For some reason the universe wants me on the love boat for four more rounds of chemo. I may or may not find out that reason but I have found out that if I participate with joy, the outcome is always positive. A positive action cannot have a negative result; that’s the law.

Once again I am startled by my expectations. How long before I can let what is just be? What a great adventure! As I practice creating a space between myself and my reaction to events; I am amazed at how everything that enters my life is for my benefit. This understanding is starting to enter my heart and is changing everything. To joyfully and willingly receive what comes is not my first thought; it was not even possible until I started to wake up. Read More

The miracle of intervention: Grace.

There is an intervention in every addict’s life. It is called Grace.  Every minute of every day, Grace is available to everyone on earth. Whether it is received or not is a matter of circumstance.  In addiction this is known as the “moment of clarity”.  “Oh, my God, I’m killing myself, and I can’t stop!”  The acceptance of this devastating truth, the admission that there is no control, is the springboard into a spiritual life, a life of happy, joyous freedom. 

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