How did I feel knowing that I drank and did drugs, yet Bill was the one who went into Rehab? As the intervention I had planned unfolded, I believe I was unaware of what this really meant. My basic thought at the time was that I wanted to save Bill’s life.
It had become obvious even to me that he was out of control. I knew he was drinking the whole time I was at work. He was driving to the liquor store and bars under the influence and it seemed only a matter of time before something tragic would happen. I, however, was still able to go to work and I had taken control of everything I could in a desperate attempt to prove that everything was okay in my house. It seemed apparent to me, Bill, and everyone else that I had no problem with drugs or alcohol, therefore, I did not need rehab though Bill certainly did. I hoped that if he could regain control, we could get back to our lives and continue to use drugs and alcohol moderately. All my problems would be solved.
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