Bill & Sandy Fifield Artist - Authors - Speakers


My purpose in writing this blog is to offer myself to your event as a speaker.  Contact me through Facebook or through and I can send a copy of my talk at WACYPAA 2014.


In October 2011 my husband Bill and I celebrated our 30th wedding anniversary with a renewal of our marriage vows and a lovely party in our spruced up Studio helped by our incredible friends.  The path in front of us looked so clear—our next steps seemed destined.    We saw ourselves growing old together to become that impossibly old couple sitting on the porch holding hands, seeing each other with eyes that remembered the way we used to look when we first met so long ago in 1965.  Our health was still good, we looked great.  Bill was probably more handsome than he had ever been—at the height of his powers, intellectually as well as artistically.  He was 64. I was 66—we never felt better emotionally, spiritually and artistically.

 We were looking forward to being invited to present our understanding of the 12 Steps, 12 Traditions and 12 Concepts for World Service and the path to freedom they contain with the story of our relationship both before and after the miracle of recovery.    Our paramount intention was to help others find a solution to the spiritual disease of fear that afflicts every human being to some degree.  The alcoholic is the extreme example but there are many more manifestations, all of which can be helped with the practice of the spiritual principles of the 12 Steps.

  Then everything changed—as Bill was finishing a large wood sculpture in January and February, 2012, he began to lose his vision.  At first we thought it was a floater that would dissipate on its own.  Then his peripheral vision began to diminish and by the end of February, he was diagnosed with Stage IV lung cancer.   Our focus turned to healing the cancer.  The rest of 2012 was filled with radiation and chemo treatments but we did manage a few speaking engagements.  Then in 2013 the cancer returned and Bill died August 9th.

Our belief in the power of the spiritual principles contained in the 12 Steps never wavered.  Through all the sometimes painful and uncomfortable treatments, he never stopped helping others, never stopped going to 12 Step Fellowship meetings and never stopped sharing his and our experience.  We were invited to speak in several places but his strength was tenuous and we had to take great care.

Since I never thought Bill could actually die, denial equaled hope for me during those difficult days just before he passed.  Today I have moved into a kind of acceptance that is changing every day.  Starting the day after he transitioned, I went to my early morning meeting so I could stay connected to the people and spiritual principles that had sustained me and him for 21 years of sobriety and recovery.  I was asked to tell my story at the Jackson Hole meeting in September and then in January 2013 I was privileged to be asked to be the Sunday morning speaker at WACYPAA which was held in Denver at the Sheraton Hotel.

My connection with Bill is intensified and strengthened when I am asked to speak at any event or meeting.  He was so enthusiastic about sobriety, recovery and the 12 Steps.   I feel that I am privileged to be able to continue his and my legacy of recovery and understanding of the spiritual principles.   We met in 1965 and maintained a relationship that went through many transitions drunk and sober.   Our stories are totally intertwined; we truly dug deep in one place.  Even today I am still exploring our relationship by continuing to create art in our studio, by participating in my 12 Step fellowship, by sponsoring others through the 12 Steps, by writing my experience and by telling our story whenever and wherever I am invited.  The 12 Steps continue to sustain and uphold me as I face this new world without Bill.

Goodbye to my Barbarian

recovery and spiritual principlesGoodbye to my Barbarian. I am so glad that you do not have to feel the pain anymore. Bill left this earth on Friday, August 9, 2013 at 11:40 am, almost exactly one month after our return from Brazil. We did not get the miracle we demanded of a complete and total cure from the cancer he so valiantly fought since March 2012 but I believe he was healed on a deep spiritual level by our journey to Abadiania to be with John of God for two weeks. I will always remember him for his relentless pursuit of Recovery and the Spiritual Principles. I will hear his voice forever reminding me and himself to “Be the Gift”. His enthusiasm and joy of living will fuel the rest of my life to continue to carry the message that there is a way out of the spiritual disease ofin memory of Bill fear no matter how it manifests in your life. You are my husband, friend, lover and sponsor. You are my love and soul mate now and forever. Thank you digging deep with me in the incredible experience of our relationship. I will honor your commitment until we meet again on our “Rainbow Bridge” one day.



Casa Early Morning

It’s still dark as we walk to Kelsie’s house for our 6:00 am breakfast and we wonder if the first stage of her security system (the garden gate) will be unlocked.  We walk down the driveway and lean against it and as if by magic it swings open for us to proceed to the door of her kitchen.   We continue to prepare for the full day ahead; it all seems so strange and new.  We are dressed in white clothes, even our underwear is pure white to keep with the spirit of the experience; we even have our white hats with us.  We are entirely ready.

We arrive at the Assembly Hall at 6:45 am and start to wait.  Our efforts are rewarded with seats on the benches nearest to the front and right of the small stage.   This deal is supposed to start at 8:00 am but we have to take into consideration the fact that this is Brazil and Brazilian time is in effect which means that it will start when it starts; there is no rush.   This is an open-air hall with a skylight that lets in air and sunlight; to start with it is quite cool with a breeze; soon enough it will warm up sufficiently to turn on the several fans. There is a line of people carrying pillows and back supports who will go into the Current rooms to meditate during the morning session.  The Hall fills, all the chairs and benches are full, there are people sitting on the edge of the small stage, the empty spaces fill, there are some sitting on the floor, and there are several folks in wheelchairs in the space to the right of the stage.    They will invited in first.   Read More

A New World Opens: Our First Night In Brazil

Brasilia Terminal is open-air, a chaotic place; there is a little café and tables near our entry door into Brazil.   Over there are rows of ATM’s where everyone seems to getting or exchanging money. Banks of taxis and cars line the curb.  If it weren’t for Kelsie we would be hopelessly confused.  Abadiania is a one and one-half hour drive south and a little west of Brasilia.

First Sunrise--Abadiania

First Sunrise–Abadiania

Kelsie has a taxi all ready to go with Bolivar as our driver, he is the proud owner of a white and very clean, nearly new small SUV.  It’s still early and quite refreshingly cool with a wonderful dry breeze; much like a Colorado summer morning but it is the start of winter here and the dry season has just begun.  The traffic is heavy in Brasilia and the city seems to stretch out in all directions endlessly.  There is an area of large buildings to the left and a massive traffic jam going the opposite direction from us.  We are leaving the city while everyone else is going in to work.   It seems to go on for miles. Read More



White knuckle sobriety doesn’t interest me at all.  Why would I ever want to just not drink or use mood altering substances?  I was always searching for a solution to my fear.  Alcohol and drugs were my solution to that pesky problem for a long time and to my mind—worked very well thank you. I definitely liked the effect because they took away the fear for a while.  No matter to me that it didn’t last—that feeling of ease and comfort that came at once with that first drink or hit.  The world was changed; fear did not exist for at least a couple of hours.  I remember saying to friends over and over that I was willing to pay the price for this; I thought the price was merely a hangover; I had no clue of the real price of my indulgence.

When I first discovered drugs and alcohol, it was a way to push the envelope of ordinary existence, to walk on the edge of the razor, to fly above the boobs I saw around me who were living (so I thought) unfulfilled lives by doing what society asked of them.   They said: “But we don’t like the taste”.   My thought at the time was: So what if you don’t like the taste—you’ve got to drink your way past that, I don’t like the taste of gin but two martinis later—it tasted great!  It was the effect I was after and I was willing to pay the price, whatever that might be.

I have come a long way since then, when alcohol and drugs were the solution to every problem. Read More

Three Disruptive Moments

“The first disruptive moment came when a friend and I were discussing her fifteen-year-old daughter’s addiction problem. My immediate temptation was to think that this was unique and different—a special problem that needed to be dealt with in an extraordinary manner. I thought—there must be some kind of therapy, magic medication or miracle action which could fix the problem once and for all. Rescue and fix—that’s the answer. These thoughts raced through my head and I’m sure through her parents’ minds as well. How can we make the problem just go away? – Read more about Sandy’s disruptive moments here.


Recovery is the only solution to fear.  It does not matter what the fear is; it is a lie that controls my life. The discovery of this simple truth has been an arduous process.  Like all good lies it can’t stand the light of day.  Whatever crisis brings me to an awakening, I must now pay attention. Simple but not easy; a price has to be paid.  It means the exposure of my fear.

At the core of my fear is the belief that I am not enough, I don’t measure up and I am inadequate.  My fear gathered evidence for this lie and I could see no other way until my spiritual, physical, emotional collapse dissolved my world; nothing was left and a door opened.  My initial thought, Oh my God, have I been wrong all this time?  The answer appears to be YES!

I am grateful that a support group appeared at my feet.  It had been there all along and it had but one purpose—to expose the lie. The folks in this group were united in that cause; there are thousands of diversions and they are familiar with them all.  God bless their understanding. No matter what, return to the solution.  Keep the fear exposed. Read More

Why is recovery THE answer? Sandy Fifield’s guest post.

Why is recovery THE answer?

“While a friend and I discussed her fifteen-year-old daughter’s addiction problem, my immediate temptation was to think that this was unique and different, a special problem that needed to be dealt with in an extraordinary manner.  I thought–there must be some kind of therapy, magic medication or miracle action which could fix the problem once and for all.  Rescue and fix–that’s the answer.  These thoughts raced through my head and I’m sure through her parents’ minds as well.  How can we make the problem just go away?”

Read more here.

Why is Recovery THE Answer?

Recently, while discussing the addiction problem of a friend’s fifteen year old daughter, my immediate temptation was to think that this was unique and different, a special problem that needed to be dealt with in an extraordinary manner.  I thought—there must be some kind of therapy, magic medication or miracle action which could fix the problem once and for all.  Rescue and fix—that’s the answer.  These thoughts raced through my head and I’m sure through her parent’s minds as well.    How can we make the problem just go away?

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A Gift Wrapped in Barbed Wire

It started out as a weird god’s-eye shaped floater in the left of my field of vision and turned into a brain tumor and lung cancer in a mere three days.  I had gone to my doctor, who referred me to an eye specialist to find out where this irritating thing came from.   Next he’s shining a very bright light into my right eye “Lookup, look down, look side to side” he asks. Then he says, “My, my, the viscous has pulled away from the orb, collapsing with the mesh that holds it.  What you are seeing is the mesh becoming visible as it contracts—in other words, a floater” I ask, “What can we do about that? It’s right in the middle of where I look, kind of an inconvenience for an artist.” The good doc replies, “Well you are lucky it didn’t pull the cornea off with it or you would be blind. It could go away in three days or it could take three months to float to the bottom of your eye.”    Good grief, he sounded like the phone repair guy: “Stay by your phone and we will be there sometime this year!”

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