Bill & Sandy Fifield Artist - Authors - Speakers

“The Portals of Creation”

 Art has always been magical to me even as a child. I remember watching my dad paint. I watched the images appear as he sipped his Swiss Colony sauterne.  It was like being in an alchemist’s workshop; there was secret and forbidden knowledge.  He seemed to be able to go places nobody else did; he stood at the portals of creation.

 There was never any doubt in my mind about what I wanted to do and be.  Being able to stand at the portals of creation without fear seemed to be the trick.  I didn’t realize until much later that he gave that gift to me very early on. The way it looked to me was that alcohol fueled and was necessary to the process.   At first it worked beautifully and when drugs entered the equation, I went even further out—right on the razors edge.  The Universe was laid out before me.  Everything I saw and read reinforced this belief.   Look at all the awesome psychedelic art pouring out of the hippies.  There were paintings, sculptures, posters, crafts, music, and performance.  And look at history—Jackson Pollack, Gauguin, and Toulouse-Lautrec, all great artists and drunks.   And–the most compelling evidence of all–my own studio full of incredible works of art.

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“A ratty old magpie feather.”

After Bill found the ratty old black and white magpie feather on the walk at Harmony Foundation, he found at least one feather a day for nearly 90 days.

 After he got out of Harmony, Sandy joined him in this discovery. We found hummingbird feathers, red-tail hawk feathers, flicker, blue bird, robin, sparrow, finch and even turkey vulture feathers. They seemed to be everywhere. Then at the end of 90 days we found a dead bird.  It was the Universe saying, “ OK, you have enough feathers to make your own bird, now look up, go out from here and be the gift, help others and open the doors to understanding for them.”

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Dig Deep in One Place: A Couple’s Journey to a Spiritual Life

“To find water, you do not dig small pits all over the place but drill deep in one place only.” —Sri Nisargadatta Maharaja

Dig Deep in One Place begins with the last eight months of our denial, delusion, and insanity and continues with our separate childhood memories. We then combine our stories for our early life together. We separate again for our experiences as we worked the Twelve Steps, and we will reconnect for a discussion of the Traditions and Concepts of Twelve-Step fellowships.

We then share our memories of the incredible journey of the last nineteen years as we have learned more about the spiritual principles and practicing a spiritual life. We continue with a discussion of how art completes the circle of unity, recovery, and service as we stand at the portals of creation, finally ready to receive.

In conclusion we have the stories of seven people whose lives have been changed by their experience with the Twelve Steps.

We did not write Dig Deep in One Place as a substitute for the Twelve Steps, for attending fellowship meetings, or for getting a sponsor to assist in understanding the spiritual principles or service work. This is not Alcoholics Anonymous. We did write this book as a supplement to your understanding of the Twelve Steps, much like listening to a speaker meeting.

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